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Top Youtube Kanäle

RangYoutuberabonnentenvideoaufrufevideo zahlKategoriegestartet
1 LionfieldLionfield 12,700,000 15,151,882,035 1,506 Komödie 2020
2 Me contro TeMe contro Te 7,120,000 10,905,211,489 3,199 Unterhaltung 2014
3 mercuri_88mercuri_88 15,300,000 8,260,207,078 1,156 Film und Animation 2007
4 The Quinetto'sThe Quinetto's 12,000,000 8,082,742,986 1,974 Unterhaltung 2021
5 WhenGamersFail ► LyonWhenGamersFail ► Lyon 5,080,000 8,079,312,397 9,710 Gaming 2012
6 LeonardogratiLeonardograti 5,350,000 6,170,645,852 9,010 Komödie 2021
7 RaiRai 5,900,000 5,819,420,450 84,119 Unterhaltung 2005
8 Lola LoLLola LoL 4,630,000 5,789,258,218 1,630 Unterhaltung 2021
9 iPantellasiPantellas 6,910,000 4,814,029,134 1,467 Unterhaltung 2009
10 Arnaldo ManginiArnaldo Mangini 4,040,000 4,478,783,219 2,821 Komödie 2007
11 FavijTVFavijTV 6,580,000 4,375,816,269 3,202 Gaming 2012
12 Khaby. LameKhaby. Lame 12,200,000 4,271,205,538 263 Menschen und Blogs 2016
13 Serie ASerie A 9,750,000 4,264,634,996 30,135 Sport 2012
14 Laura e GiuliaLaura e Giulia 2,540,000 3,922,065,929 1,113 Unterhaltung 2017
15 Antonio “Pacman is a Bad guy” PalmucciAntonio “Pacman is a Bad guy” Palmucci 4,830,000 3,586,981,514 323 Gaming 2012

Top Youtube Kanäle - Detail-Statistik

RangYoutuberabonnenten/jahrVideoaufrufe/JahrVideo Zahl/Jahr
1 LionfieldLionfield 2,540,000 3,030,376,407 301
2 Me contro TeMe contro Te 647,272 991,382,862 290
3 mercuri_88mercuri_88 850,000 458,900,393 64
4 The Quinetto'sThe Quinetto's 3,000,000 2,020,685,746 493
5 WhenGamersFail ► LyonWhenGamersFail ► Lyon 390,769 621,485,569 746
6 LeonardogratiLeonardograti 1,337,500 1,542,661,463 2,252
7 RaiRai 295,000 290,971,022 4,205
8 Lola LoLLola LoL 1,157,500 1,447,314,554 407
9 iPantellasiPantellas 431,875 300,876,820 91
10 Arnaldo ManginiArnaldo Mangini 224,444 248,821,289 156
11 FavijTVFavijTV 506,153 336,601,251 246
12 Khaby. LameKhaby. Lame 1,355,555 474,578,393 29
13 Serie ASerie A 750,000 328,048,845 2,318
14 Laura e GiuliaLaura e Giulia 317,500 490,258,241 139
15 Antonio “Pacman is a Bad guy” PalmucciAntonio “Pacman is a Bad guy” Palmucci 371,538 275,921,654 24