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Michelle Phan Michelle Phan
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Entrepreneur, Makeup Artist, YouTuber
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Michelle Phan net worth

$ 397K - $ 2.38M *

Michelle Phan income

$ 56
last 7 days
Estimated earnings
$ -670
last 30 days
$ -229
last 90 days

Michelle Phan's impressive success on YouTube and as an entrepreneur has significantly contributed to her net worth. She has leveraged her online popularity to launch her own beauty brand called em cosmetics, which further boosted her earnings. Additionally, Phan's collaborations with various brands and sponsorships have also added to her financial success. Her net worth is estimated to be in the millions, and she continues to expand her business ventures.

*Notice: this net worth is estimated based on revenue from YouTube advertisements only. This value does not take into consideration other sources of income.

Michelle Phan estimated earnings by months

MonthEstimated earnings
April 2024$ 113
March 2024$ 245
February 2024$ 206
January 2024$ 172
December 2023$ 314
November 2023$ 236
October 2023$ 250
July 2023$ 132
June 2023$ 225
May 2023$ 219
April 2023$ 232
March 2023$ 289
February 2023$ 412
January 2023$ 246
December 2022$ 369
November 2022$ 325
October 2022$ 711
September 2022$ 56
August 2022$ 463
July 2022$ 355
June 2022$ 480
May 2022$ 301

Michelle Phan Frequently Asked Questions

When did Michelle Phan start her YouTube channel?

Michelle Phan started her YouTube channel in 2007.

What is Michelle Phan's beauty brand called?

Michelle Phan's beauty brand is called em cosmetics.

Has Michelle Phan faced any controversies?

Yes, Michelle Phan has faced controversies related to copyright infringement.

What type of content does Michelle Phan create?

Michelle Phan creates content related to makeup tutorials, beauty tips, skincare, fashion, and lifestyle.

Does Michelle Phan have her own website?

Yes, Michelle Phan has her own website.

What are some famous quotes by Michelle Phan?

Some famous quotes by Michelle Phan include: - 'The power of a red lip is real.' - 'Believe in yourself and all that you are.' - 'A smile is the best makeup any girl can wear.'